Endpoint: Notifications

Please note: This API endpoint is only available to subscribers of our Corporate and Corporate Lite plans. If you or your corporation are interested in a Corporate subscription to gain API access to the data that TankerTrackers.com, Inc. collects, please contact us for a quote. For Corporate Lite subscriptions, you can upgrade using the Subscription Management Portal from the account page.

This API endpoint returns the past 30 days worth of notifications available to your account based on the subscription type.

Endpoint URL:

https://tankertrackers.com/api/notifications/v1/[API Key]?[parameters]

URL Parameters:

Parameter Description
[API Key] The Unique API Key as indicated on the Account Management page.
days (Optional) The amount of days to display. Defaults to 30

The resulting output is a JSON array containing one JSON object per notification.

Response Keys:

In the response, the data object will contain the following keys:

JSON Key Name JSON Value Type Nullable? Description
date datetime false The UTC date and time the notification was published.
category string false The category the notification was published in.
message string false The notification body, in Markdown notation with linebreaks converted to “\n\r” for legibility.

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