Endpoint: Tagged Satellite Locations

Please note: This API Endpoint is only available to subscribers of our Corporate plan. If you or your corporation are interested in a Corporate subscription to gain API access to the data that TankerTrackers.com, Inc. collects, please contact us for a quote.

This API endpoint returns a list of visually confirmed satellite locations for a vessel, time range, or both.

Endpoint URL:

https://tankertrackers.com/api/sl/v2/[API Key]?[parameters]

Note that all four parameters; imo, polygon, from and to are optional, but at least one must be included. They must also be entered in a key=value system, such as ?imo=1234567&from=2024-01-01&to=2024-01-14

URL Parameters:

Parameter Description
[API Key] The Unique API Key as indicated on the Account Management page.
[imo] The IMO of the vessel you wish to see the satellite locations for.
[polygon] The numeric ID of a polygon as indicated in the Polygon API.
[from] The starting date of the range you are interested in, for example 2021-01-01.
[to] The ending date of the range you are interested in, for example 2021-02-28.

The resulting output is a JSON array containing one JSON object per visually confirmed satellite location, with additional details available for context.

Response Keys:

In the response, the data object will contain the following keys:

JSON Key Name JSON Value Type Nullable? Description
vessel_name string false The current name of the vessel according to the best of our understanding.
vessel_imo integer false The IMO of the vessel.
datetime datetime string false The date and time that the vessel was located, in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format. Time 00:00:00 will be shown for all where time was unknown.
laden_status string true Whether the vessel was laden or empty at the time.
polygon string true The polygon the vessel was in when the satellite image was captured.
latitude float false The latitude of the vessel when located.
longitude float false The longitude of the vessel when located.
spoofing boolean false Whether or not the vessel was spoofing AIS signals at the time.
external_link string true An URL to an external site showing this vessel at this location, where available.

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