Endpoint: Tagged Satellite Locations

Please note: This API Endpoint is only available to subscribers of our Corporate plan. If you or your corporation are interested in a Corporate subscription to gain API access to the data that TankerTrackers.com, Inc. collects, please contact us for a quote.

This API endpoint returns a list of visually confirmed satellite locations for a vessel, time range, or both.

Endpoint URL:

https://tankertrackers.com/api/sl/v1/[API Key]?[parameters]

Note that all three parameters; IMO, from and to are optional, but at least one must be included. They must also be entered in a key=value system, such as ?imo=1234567&from=2024-01-01&to=2024-01-14

URL Parameters:

Parameter Description
[API Key] The Unique API Key as indicated on the Account Management page.
[IMO] The IMO of the vessel you wish to see the satellite locations for.
[from] The starting date of the range you are interested in, for example 2021-01-01.
[to] The ending date of the range you are interested in, for example 2021-02-28.

The resulting output is a JSON array containing one JSON object per visually confirmed satellite location, with additional details available for context.

Response Keys:

In the response, the data object will contain the following keys:

JSON Key Name JSON Value Type Nullable? Description
vessel_name string false The current name of the vessel according to the best of our understanding.
vessel_imo integer false The IMO of the vessel.
date date string false The date that the vessel was located, in YYYY-MM-DD format.
latitude float false The latitude of the vessel when located.
longitude float false The longitude of the vessel when located.
external_link string true An URL to an external site showing this vessel at this location, where available.

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